$21.50 Sale Save
Size 12 oz

Origin: Colombia

Region: Huila

Producer: Diego Horta, Edier Perdomo, Freddy Correa

Farm: Los Pinos

Varietal: Caturra, Castillo Tambo, F6

Elevation: 1730 MASL

Process: Semi-Washed

Tasting Notes: Cola, Vanilla, Mulberry


We have worked with Cosecha in the past. Always a champion of the small producer, dedicated to a better world in any number of ways. Cupping coffees from Cosecha always comes with great photos, stories, and always great quality. Los Pinos comes to us from these fine folks. 

Maria Waldina Alban Salazar :

"Coffee has been a part of Waldina's life since she was young, helping her parents work on the farm. Despite this, she never imagined the importance of coffee in her life, much less that Cosecha Traders would export the fruit of her labor.

Early on her journey into specialty coffee, she applied all her parents' lessons. However, it was only five years ago when she and her husband, with the help of her daughter, embarked on what seemed like an adventure into a field unknown to them, although the change to specialty coffee has undoubtedly come as a blessing.

Before processing specialty coffee, Waldina recalls how everything was a challenge. Her mood was affected by the changes in the coffee market; she even thought of changing her livelihood entirely, but she tells how it was impossible to ignore her family's tradition and chooses to confront the challenges the coffee market brings to her family. Waldina's eldest daughter greatly impacted the family, and because of her, they improved their practices and carried out different training, through which the love for coffee returned.

For Waldina, coffee is not only a source of income but also the engine for her family, which has achieved significant progress due to her entrepreneurial daughters. For her, the most crucial trait that a coffee grower should have is discipline and the desire to work hard. She dreams of selling much more coffee and improving all aspects of the family business. We are delighted to support Waldina in building her dreams and those of her family." - Cosecha


This semi-washed coffee is first fermented in cherry for 90 hrs, then fermented for 92 hrs in mucilage (the pulp or flesh of the cherry). Both of these fermentations utilize anaerobic techniques. Next, washed before drying on a parabolic bed for 14 days. Waldina's farm has much shade and diversity; walnut, guava, locquat, sugar cane, plantain, etc.