Origin: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazú
Producer: Javier Solis
Varietal: Catuai
Elevation: 1900 masl
Process: Anaerobic Natural
Tasting Notes: Red Grape, Lemon Peel, Star Anise
Javier Solis and family introduced this process to his lineup 4 years ago. Last years version was a hit for us, we think because of the combination of unique flavors and mouthfeel while maintaining exceptional drinkability. We find Red Grape, Lemon Peel, and Star Anise.
Right upfront is the sweetness of grape. We found raisin in his washed coffee, white grape in his natural, and red grape here. Next, lemon peel - crisp, sweet clarity. Finally, star anise - we think this note helps describe the very sweet licorice like herbaceousness in the final moments of each sip.
For those curious, Anaerobic fermentation is a style of processing coffee that while not new is becoming more and more common. Over the last few years it has really become the darling of specialty coffee.
Washed, honey and natural coffees all coffees go through some sort of fermentation during processing. This occurs when when yeast and bacteria present in water baths or open air patios begin converting sugars and acids in the fruit of the coffee into new organic acids, carbon dioxide, ethyl alcohol, and other compounds. Producers attempt to control this fermentation through the using various water baths or channels, rotation, and through the drying process.
Anaerobic fermentation in contrast occurs in a highly controlled and low oxygen environment. After picking and sorting the coffee is put into tanks where the oxygen is pumped out and CO2 is vented. An environment devoid of oxygen slows the typical fermentation times down. By closely monitoring time, temperature, and brix (sugar content) the process creates new and unusual flavor profiles.
This processing method is labor and knowledge intensive. There is a high risk of error and crop loss if not done correctly. It also requires additional equipment, time, and expertise. All of these factors when combined with the incredible flavors and rarity explain why we see some of the highest prices being paid for anaerobic coffees.
We thank Javier for this wonderful coffee. We hope you will give it a try and we would love to know what you think!